At different times in your life you might find it useful to take some time and make sense of how you have got to where you are or to understand decisions you have made.
Maybe you want your life to take a different course in the future or to be more assertive in your everyday encounters and relationships.
You may be feeling low or have experienced some form of loss which has propelled you to want to take stock of your life.
Perhaps you want to understand your role in your relationships with friends, work colleagues or family and make sense of the repeating patterns you have noticed so that you can make changes in the future and perhaps feel some more control.
Maybe you are feeling depressed or anxious and need to be able to explore those feelings in a non-judgemental situation where you have the space to explore parts of you which you cannot share elsewhere for whatever reason.
I work with people who present with many different issues including:
Depression, anxiety and self-esteem
(with particular interest in living with long term & chronic illness where self-image and worth can be affected by health issues).
Loss, bereavement and life changes
Complicated family relationships
(including childhood sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse).